I was reading 1 Samuel 25 about Abigail, David and Nabal.
The passage about reminds me that Jesus died for our sins. He saved us from God’s wrath and took the punishment for us, just as Abigail did with Nabal. Nabal was a fool, just as his name means, and he needed to pay prices. Abigail took those punishments. Similarly, we are fools and do stupid stuff. Jesus understood that and realized what He would have to go through for us before He did it. He took the price for us, and we are forgiven. He knew every stupid thing we were going to do and died for us.
If Jesus can die for us, why shouldn’t we do everything in our power to at least try to repay Him? Why wouldn’t we devote our lives to Him and tell others? Jesus wants for everyone to know about Him and trust in Him. If He could endure that ultimate sacrifice, why can’t we try to make Him happy? I’m not just talking about praying to Him, and being a servant for Him. We all know about that. I’m talking about doing things for other people, portraying the love of Christ the Lord through ourselves. Jesus wants all of His people, His sons and His daughters, to work together in harmony. He wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves. That means helping out, being kind, even just doing a simple deed that would make somebody happy. He means to love everybody, no matter their race and their skin. He wants us to see through His eyes, and love as He loves.
Jesus payed the price for us. He took the blame as though it was His. It’s like if you were to get a speeding ticket. You and the police know that the fine needs to be paid for. Then a man comes along and pays for all the tickets you have ever had, and all the tickets you ever will have. That man in the story is the equivalent to Jesus in life. He took the price and payed it, even though He was completely and utterly innocent. Going back to that metaphor, you knew that there was nothing in your power that you could do to ever come close to repaying the man who paid for you. That’s what happened with Jesus.
Jesus understood what he was going to have to do to clear our sins away. He knew that He would have to go through excruciating pain and then 6 hours hung up on a cross like a criminal and then death. He knew all this and yet didn’t even think about not doing it for us. It because he is so perfect, so kind and so true.
Jesus loves us more than we can love anything in this world. We can’t even fathom how much love He has in His heart for us. He died for us, that’s how much He loves us. Abigail took the payments for Nabal’s “speeding tickets” just as Jesus took the payment for ours. He knew what He was getting into. It was torture and humiliation and death. We wouldn’t even think about doing that for someone, even the person we love the most. That is one of the things that makes Jesus so fantastic. If everybody knew that Jesus did this awesome thing for us, there would be no atheists, no one who believed anyone or anything other than Jesus Christ, because no one else would be able to find a better Savior or a Father who loved them even half as much as Christ loves us.
To wrap this all up, Christ is the ultimate Savior and Father. He loves us more than we can imagine, He took the place for us and died for our sins, and he couldn’t be more perfect. Abigail did kind of the same thing. That is what this passage means to me.
CIndy says
Well said Sofia! Thank you for sharing 🙂