Imagine this: You wake up on New Year’s morning to a fresh start. The dirty dishes you left in the sink the night before are clean and put away. The fridge door is sparkling clean, the sticky fingerprints nowhere to be seen. Holiday pounds have melted from your toned and fit body, and the wide-screen TV you’ve been struggling to save for stands proudly in the living room. Tada! What a wonderful fantasy!
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There’s a sign painted under the overpass I drive under on my way home. It’s positioned at a bend in the road, so I drive straight towards it. It’s impossible to miss. There is no context or attribution, no artwork, pretty colors or interesting font. But this simple sentence challenges me every time I drive past.
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Have you ever felt like God is hard to find? Like He is playing a cosmic game of hide-and-seek, and you’re losing. You look behind every curtain and under every bed, at the back of every closet and behind every sofa, “God, where are You?”
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This familiar verse in 2 Corinthians came up in my Bible reading this week. I have always thought of it as an encouragement that our struggles are not wasted. God uses our pain to help others who are also in pain. And I believe this is true.
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How often do we think that something is not working when it is really just doing something we can’t see from our vantage point? We constantly make assumptions based on what we can see. We can’t help it. We can only see what we can see. But there is always more going on. There is always another side, where the dark is waiting for the light.
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How are you, Sister? Do you feel weary and burdened too? Are you tired from trying to live the right way and doing all the right things? I know what that feels like. I’ve struggled under the weight of that life.
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