This series is focused on 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 which says which says: ‘the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God ,for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ‘ (NKJV)
Romy, Nancy, Amy G, Ally, Brittany, Ally, and Holly came around the table for this study. Together, we’ll study the powerful nature of that scripture. While thoughts are important indicators of our direction in life, in some cases, mental health concerns can cause a problem with taking thoughts captive. We hope to strike a balance between what you can (and should) do through the power of Jesus Christ in you, and when it’s time to seek additional help.
Click here to print the workbook for this series.
Here are two blogs (Clean Socks, Dry Bones) from our blog contributors that share openly about their struggles with mental health.
Here are some additional resources if you feel you need help:
Suicide Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
It all boils down to the sovereignty of God. If God is Most High, in control of all, there is no “but.” If God is sovereign, there is no “what if” that God cannot manage–far better than I could! If God is Most High, He must always have first place & I must yield everything in my life to His Lordship. Praise God that, no matter what, He is in control.
Someone did mention “worry” as a less obvious stronghold, but it wasn’t the direction the conversation took. But I think that is a big one for most of us. It’s so “logical” and “normal” to worry, we forget that Jesus specifically said,”DON’T!” We don’t even realize we are giving Satan so much power in our lives by worrying about things.
Thanks to Brittany for mentioning the to-do list. The discussion that ensued was so meaningful. I am definitely a prisoner to that one!