Who comes to mind first when you think about women of the Bible? Mary, Esther, maybe Ruth? Certainly we can learn a lot from the lives of these Godly women. But there are other women whose stories we can learn from as well. Join Holly, Jan, Kay, Ally, and Erin as we search for (and find!) nuggets of wisdom where you may not have looked before.
Here’s the study guide…follow along! Lesser Known Women of the Bible
Check out some of our recent blogs to learn about even more of the women in the Bible.
Hi, dear sisters in the Lord! I am 56 years old, raised six children, was a military wife of 20 years, and now (20 years) we are back in Pennsylvania! I have been doing a ladies Bible study in our home for the last nine years, and I give God all the glory! I have been praying about a Bible study to do for our next lessons, and I was driving to pick my husband up from work, and I heard your Bible study last week! I was sooooo excited! I just looked at your web-page and I feel that I am going to go to the Lesser-Known Woman of the Bible for our next lesson. That will be in about a month when our current lesson should be wrapped up! I am so excited to share this with my friends and sisters-in-the-Lord. I will ask God to burden me to pray for you and your ministry, and I will be sure to give a donation! Praise God for truth being sent out! Love, Laura Watt (Prosperity, PA)
Laura thank you so much for writing these encouraging words. Please be sure to comment again with insights from your small group. We will be praying for you!