This week we begin a new series about listening to God. So many of us–both those of us who regularly study the Bible and those of us who don’t-want to understand how to hear from God.
The most important component of hearing from our Lord and Creator is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. What does that mean, indwelling? It means we have invited Jesus Christ to live in us, individually. Classic John 3:16 stuff. Because God loves us so much, He doesn’t want any of us to be lost. Not eternally lost and not lost in any way before we reach eternity.
Jesus said ‘I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10). Part of that is knowing God’s will and trusting His best for our life. That’s a BIG part. But after we do that, how do we UNCOVER His best for our life? Of course, we regularly read the Bible, where God laid out His ways and His great love for us. We see there the unfolding of an amazing plan, from Genesis to Revelation, that is so completely sewn together and so beautifully laid out that it is undeniable. God so loves the world…and He so loves me.
But there are times when we all need more specific instruction, right? Is this the right life mate for me? Should I have this surgery? Should I take this job? None of those answers are going to be specifically found in scripture, because they are very particular to our life and this moment in time.
Journey with us as we uncover how to hear God and know His best for our life.
Shhh…I’m listening to God. Does that sound crazy to you? It actually sounds really great to me. Frankly, I wish I could spend more of my day doing it. I would love to hear about your practices in listening to God. Please comment here!