Do you long for a season of intimacy with the Lord either again or for the first time? Do you wonder what that even means? Join Holly, Alysa, Erin, and Nicole as we talk about times of intimacy with the Lord where we feel “on fire”. Then we delve into 1 Peter 1:6-7 and discover what it teaches about God’s refining fire. “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
You can download the homework for this series here: Refining Fire
Thank you for your Bible study program. I have always shied away from women’s groups, but at this time in my life I am experiencing deep loneliness. It was a breath of fresh air and encouragement to me. I too am not that “cheerful bubbly Christian”, which by the way is what I always tried to be – it was fake. Part of that was my upbringing of trying to survive in a hostile environment. Part of it is my own sinful nature and not spending daily time with the Lord whom I professed to know and love. I have been married for almost 40 years. My husband is quiet and of very few words. We have two daughters and a son who hasn’t spoken to me in about four years. I look forward to spending time with you ladies as I listen to KERI. I already consider you all my new friends. Sincerely, Julie
Thanks for the note Julie!!! We love being your friends.
I just listen to part one, and Holly I relate to you so very much. I became a Christian at 12 but there is no support of that at home so of course I fell away. At 19 what could have been my first year in college but was not due to childbirth, I was beaten by my child’s father. My sister and a group of her Christian friend rescued me. I begin to attend a church that was on fire for Jesus and the Lord relit that flame inside me. But again the world crept in and I became a part of it. It was another 10 years before I felt that fire again. But what’s really important that I wanted to say was that I had tended an Alpha Holy Spirit weekend and I felt the spirit, I was totally on fire. I drove home and my van could’ve flown. Three days later the fire had diminished and I was exhausted. About a month after that I was very upset that I had lost the fire of the spirit and I went to our pastor, who was an interim pastor, he said to me something very profound. “Our bodies were not built to sustain the greatness of the Holy Spirit all the time.” When I am not on fire I remember that time how exhausted I was and I remember what the pastor said to me. But boy do I love when I’m on fire. Thanks ladies for a very enjoyable first day of the study
I’m glad Holly’s experience and this study resound with you. Certainly none of us can do it on our own. I love Third Day’s song Soul On Fire. Even someone who shares the gospel through music as a profession is asking God to bring him back to that place where his soul is on fire for the Lord.
thank you for your note, Kimberly. Your encouragement means more than you know.