This bible study series is helpful if you have ever been unsure which way to go on an important decision, or if you have ever been unsure about whether you are being ‘nudged’ by something of your enemy or something of your Savior.
Here is the listening guide/worksheets:
Satan the Accuser vs God’s Holy Spirit Conviction
Here are the broadcasts for this series:
Part One focuses on the characteristics of Satan and how he operates. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Understanding this helps me know when I am willingly or unwillingly aligning with his plan.
Part Two reminds us Satan is a liar and the father of all lies (John 8:44). He is the Accuser, and all his accusations are lies. When Satan accuses he wants to create despair, defeat and depression. On the contrary, when God convicts He intends to deliver you from what He is convicting in you.
Part Three teaches us that the closer we are to God the more we are aware of our sin, and that’s as it should be. Because God wants to convict, allow us to repent, and bring us restoration. Some great examples of this from scripture in this segment: Luke 7:36-50, Luke 19:1-10, Mark 5:1-20
Part Four: “We must embrace the affliction, the conviction. Only then can we fully understand our debt to Jesus and live out the gratitude that comes when the debt is expunged.” Luke 7:41-42 is pivotal in this understanding. Only a God who loves us so much would invest Himself in our correction and restoration.
The friends in this broadcast were Amy L, Romy, Erin and Holly.
I listened to this week’s series: Satan the Accuser vs. God’s Holy Spirit Conviction part 4. I really liked you reminded us where we left off on the homework instead of diving right in. This series was very interesting to me as I had never thought much about conviction, repentance and restoration. Back in part 1, Amy made a great comment about appreciation and it reminded me about doing things for others and being quiet about it instead of bragging about it to others. You really covered the fact that Satan is here to distract us from God and how easily that happens. It’s a daily (in my case hourly) struggle not to give into it; to not follow the truth. You also mentioned the true goal of God’s purpose which is to have a relationship with us and I really liked when you said “when you are having a tough time, its God’s way of drawing us closer to him.” In part 4, you said “ every time Jesus touches our lives, its conviction, repentance and restoration” and I never thought about that before but that is so true. Really good series.
This session’s (part 3) emphasis on how God always desires closer relationship and intimacy with us is so encouraging. When I get a sense of conviction, it’s never easy, never pleasant, but very humbling and uncomfortable. I like how Holly described it as a “Busted!” moment. Yes! I can really relate to that. Although God sees right through my own self-serving agenda all along, conviction is sort of like that moment of realization, when I finally become aware of my mistake and also understand that He knows it too. I regret not just that God sees it, but I regret the mistake itself and want to make amends, to repent. It’s like when a child gets caught (busted!) in a disobedient act by a parent. But knowing that God desires a closer relationship with me is comforting and motivating. I like how the session summarizes 3 things God desires from us: conviction, repentance & restoration. This is so helpful to keeping things in perspective. I would much rather focus on how He will accomplish greater things through our sanctification, how He moves us into closer relationship with Him, and how He will be glorified, than to focus on our sinful mistakes!
I really enjoyed listening to the whole series. Two particular points struck me: one, that God’s goal is to have a relationship with us and how that can be easily threatened if we let Satan distract us. Two, that every time Jesus touches our lives, it is through conviction, repentance and restoration. Both points hit home as I struggle daily to keep love, peace, patience and kindness in the forefront of my interactions with my family and how easily I let anger ruin it. I need to remember as Holly said” the battle has been won; Jesus said we can rest on that.” Very reassuring to me……