God knows our hearts, and He wants our thoughts, actions and words to align with our faith in Him. Each time we open our mouths, we have an opportunity to speak in a way that is glorifying to Him.
Now that we have opened with such lofty goals, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The truth is, it’s really hard to filter everything we say through the lens of our faith. Especially in this world of fast paced communication. We often speak before we think….maybe too often.
This series is practical. Yes, we understand the goal is to always speak God’s truth, from His Word, in His ways. But we also understand that none of us is perfect on this side of glory. So don’t be intimidated, just sit in with us as we struggle together to do a little better, a little bit at a time. God will meet us all right where we are, right where we need Him.
This discussion reminded me of Colossians 4:6 which says, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Salt: a preservative, something to enhance, a positive. It has occurred to me that the passage says to season our conversation with salt, and not pepper. Oh, how I can love those peppery comments, but how they can sting, even if not intended to. James has it right!
Oh my gosh! I didn’t want this session to be over..looking forward to next week already. Thank you ladies for such wise insights on this topic which is ever-present in our lives. I know I have some things to work on and I appreciate your encouragement to do so. In my house, we have been focusing on Romans 14:19 which reads (HCSB translation):
“So then, we must PURSUE what promotes peace and what builds up one another.” This command is most often followed (or neglected) with our words. Knowing we aren’t causing a problem isn’t enough…we need to be active in the lives of those we touch. What can we say today to promote peace and build up those around us?