This series revolves around prayer, and more specifically the meaning and the power of prayers. This topic is important to new believers and mature believers alike. If we are being honest, we have all wondered whether God hears our prayers, whether He is listening, and sometimes even wondered if our prayers matter.
The Power of Prayer Homework will be VERY useful in listening to this series. The friends in this series are Leigh Ann, Kay, Brittany, Nancy and Holly. We discuss what prayer has meant to us in our faith walks. We then move on with a focus on the model for prayer (and for approaching God in general) found in the Old Testament Tabernacle. Here’s a great image of the Tabernacle to use as you listen:
In part 3 we spend more time on the Tabernacle as a model for how we approach God. Then we’re running the parallel between the OT Tabernacle and the Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. God Himself has given us to these two models of how to please Him and be in a right relationship with Him. Please let the sameness of these two models sink in to your spirit-our God does not change.
In part 4 we focus on the commission to prayer embedded in Matthew 16:18-19. It’s a familiar passage to some of us, but the power hidden in these two verses can be life changing. You will hear the key points of this scripture echo the Lord’s Prayer-on earth as it is in heaven. Later in this lesson, we also start learning how to practically use scripture to create prayers that are God honoring and that show we want to get on the same page with our Lord. Remember also, as you listen to this lesson, the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Here’s the worksheet for this broadcast’s teaching segment: The Power of Prayer Teaching Session Worksheet
In part 5, our final session, we are doing a prayer workshop. You will find the workshop pages at the end of the homework. We have provided extra worksheets for you to keep doing the work after we do it together. Keep this session handy so you can do it again and again until it becomes a habit. We know God will honor you as you drill into this, friend. Please don’t miss the blessing here. This entire five part series has so much power behind the reality of prayer. We pray for YOU now, with all the power we are talking about. We love you and God loves you and we can’t wait to hear from you about this series in the comment section below.
We are humbled to be able to bring this series to our listeners, whom we love so much. Thank you for your faith in us as we share our journey with you. We love having you in Bible study with us. Please comment below and let us know of your struggles and your victories, especially in the area of prayer.
Thanks for the encouragement and reminder of how important an intentionally kept prayer journal is to our faith walk.