I’m in a season of life where some major change is about to occur. I’m sort of outside-looking-in to my own life, wondering how I will adjust to these changes.I’d like to think I adapt well to change. Actually, there are some changes I enjoy. Maybe you’re thinking just the opposite. You hate change and fight it every step of the way! The fact is change is unavoidable.
Continue ReadingOn Your Mark, Get Set…….Live
Time has somehow transported us to a new year. Time flies, as they say. It’s an interesting phenomenon that day to day life can somehow move slowly but at the end of 365 days linked together we say how fast the time has gone! This time speedway brings us to the intersection where we find ourselves looking in multiple directions to attain the safest and quickest route to emotional, physical or spiritual wellness.
If I only do ______, I will get to that place of happiness I’m striving for. If I only have more _____, I can move on to greater security. When I lose ______, I will be beautiful. When those people _______, then I will not be a loser.
Can you relate? Maybe you have your own blanks you could fill in which describe your thoughts.
Continue ReadingServant Minded
Every summer for the last fifteen years, my selfless husband chooses to leave his home and family for five weeks to go up north to work. His goal is to earn extra money to provide for his family; even still, hating to leave us and be away from those he loves and holds dear. A choice to serve his family while denying self proves his deep love for us. The example he sets inspires us to share this type of self-sacrificing love with others.
Continue ReadingKingdom Knowledge
Just for a moment, think what it would be like if one day you chanced upon a person who was trying to figure out what are the most important things to know in life. You would be given the task of helping that person decipher this. What would you say?
Continue ReadingDivine Provision
How can we effectively navigate the turbulent adjustments we see in our world, so that we are not consumed with fear and hopelessness? Can we come to live with a balance where we can be a part of our world but not be overwhelmed by its changes? I absolutely think we can. In fact, I believe we can live above the worry and concern to be channels of God’s peace.
Continue ReadingThe One Thing
Mediating on the book as a whole, I sensed the Spirit of God asking me, “What is the one thing you see as being most important for a leader to possess?”
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