On Jesus’ Sheep
Have you ever had to write a bio for yourself? How do you give someone a sense of who you are without opening yourself up to being radically misjudged, all because the joke you agonized over putting in sentence #3 doesn’t actually land? I think writing a bio is the worst. Forget bios—what about social media? Could someone scroll through your Instagram or Facebook and really get an accurate sense of who you are?
Continue ReadingFasting: What’s the Point?
Fasting is a common theme in the Bible when it comes to prayer. Traditionally, fasting is to go without food, for a period of time, to show sacrifice and to rely only on God for sustenance. In the modern world I have seen people fast specific things, such as soda, coffee, social media, and tv shows–things they feel hold precedence in their lives. However, fasting was intended for so much more than that.
Continue ReadingWhat Are You Thinking About?
There’s a sign painted under the overpass I drive under on my way home. It’s positioned at a bend in the road, so I drive straight towards it. It’s impossible to miss. There is no context or attribution, no artwork, pretty colors or interesting font. But this simple sentence challenges me every time I drive past.
Continue ReadingOn the Alert
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-9a, NIV). The apostle Paul warns of Satan’s attack (Ephesian 6:13-18) and he lists the defensive armor of God that we should be using…
Continue ReadingTaking Our Speech Seriously
The past few months I’ve been making a new effort to take my speech seriously. My efforts originally came from making sure I was only contributing Christ-honoring speech if a conversation I was part of turned to gossip, judgment, unkindness, etc. But after thinking about it, it only became more relevant as I thought of how we speak to one another day to day amid hostility that has seemed to increase over time.
Continue ReadingGod’s Good Plans Are Better Than Our Best
Lately my husband and I have been talking about life plans, goals and ambition with our grown children. They’re all young adults moving at various stages along their own individual paths of independence. Each is considering various options for the future, pondering what comes next.
Continue ReadingThe LORD’S Anointed
Anointing is a biblical practice of smearing or pouring oil on someone or something to symbolize God’s choice, presence, or favor. Thinking about how this applies to us today, I wondered who we would consider “anointed’ in our world; who represents God’s choice in our lives? Hmmm.
Continue ReadingMy First Love
White Nights was released in 1985 when I turned ten. I had been taking ballet for just a couple of years, but I loved it, and I adored Mikhail Baryshnikov. I’m certainly aging myself so, for all the young readers you need to understand that Baryshnikov was all things amazing. He was born in Latvia and quickly rose to a principal dancer in Russia.
Continue ReadingThe Parable of the Builders
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus teaches about the importance of building one’s life on a firm foundation. He contrasts the wise builder who builds his house on rock with the foolish builder who builds his house on sand. Let’s take a closer look at what this passage teaches us about wisdom and folly in our own lives.
Continue ReadingTrue and False
In the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 7:15-21), Jesus gives instruction about true and false prophets and disciples. This instruction is as applicable today as it was when it was first spoken.
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