This series has the most emotional content of any we have recorded to date. Each of the precious women around the table for this series was beautifully vulnerable and available for God’s Word to work in them both now and in the past. They shared stories about how God’s word has instructed, informed, healed and helped them through their faith journey. In the end, that’s the Power of God’s Word.
Beyond that, the lessons from this series are also powerful. We are exploring the possibilities that can be opened to us when we take hold of God’s Word in the ways He intended. We are solidly founded in scripture, using that to form our principles for discussion, specifically 2 Timothy 3:16 and Hebrews 4:12. I would encourage memorizing both of those passages.
Another verse I referenced but didn’t source is Micah 7:8: Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.
The Acts passage I mentioned about “God is not far from us” is Acts 17:27. Also the Proverbs “idle chatter” verse is 14:23. Just wanted to get that out to you, since I couldn’t get my finger on those during the session. Love you guys! Keep listening! God will bless you for it.